簡介:一部星光熠熠的電影,亞瑟?史尼茲勒戲劇史上的經(jīng)典作《輪舞》曾多次被搬上舞臺,十個不同的愛欲纏綿、無情出賣的故事,一個接著一個發(fā)生,他愛她愛他,到最后十個人剛好完成一段像圓形般的愛恨情欲。導(dǎo)演 Tom Gustafson 繼《小生夢非分》后再次挑戰(zhàn)音樂劇種,靈感來自《輪舞》的故事,將外百老匯音樂劇改編
簡介:Emmett's new venture yields big results for his bottom line but strains his personal life. Kiesha and Jake chart exciting new career paths. Victor awa
簡介:Follows a helpline volunteer who is part of the small army that gets on the phone every night, fielding calls from all kinds of people feeling lonely,